Most people are under the notion that the only way to obtain financial stability in life is through school. Go to college and learn to memorize and regurgitate useless information.
The school system is more than happy to own you for as long as you live. Their soul priority is to put you into a position where you owe them money that'll take a lifetime to pay back.
What makes this scamming operation bullet proof are the numb headed parents feeding their kids with the same regurgitated, go to school get good grades to one day kiss ass at a bullshit job you despise for the rest of your life speech not realizing you've just set your kid to fail in life before they even have a chance.
A piece of paper (ex: masters) means nothing when you have no real skill set or experience in life. So many college students are flipping burgers at McDonald's but has no idea why that is.
If you've already experienced College first hand, then leave me a comment of your experience down below. Did your life change drastically like the pre programmed social construct in your head said it would? or are you miserable at your 9 to 5.
As for the young adults who are currently in College now, if you have great work ethics and you've made money at least once in your life doing something you actually enjoyed to do then it's not too late to quit. Trust me the best thing to do now is leave College before you end up like you deadbeat parents. The system has been broken for the past few years now but the older generation does not like to admit it.
This post was suppose to be about building a system from scratch that generates you money, but I had to clarify my ideas on why going to school to get a job makes you a slave to the system.
Jobs = having to be there slaving in order to generate money.
Passive Incomes = Putting in a lot of uncomfortably hard work in the beginning to build, and because of that work to build, you can go on a date and still make money.
That's the difference I want you to see between a job the school system can get you VS. Becoming your OWN BOSS.
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