Are More Megapixels Better?
All credit goes to ThioJoe
Hey guys so if you've been paying attention to the camera or smartphone
market in the last several years you'll know that camera megapixels are a big
talking point in marketing and I guess I wanted to talk about or megapixels the
most important thing obviously they're not but what makes a lower megapixel
count camera may be better than even higher megapixel IP camera if you have a
smartphone for example that has the same number of megapixels as a DSLR why would
you ever get the DSLR what are the advantages that's really the main
pointing to talk about this video now as I just mentioned megapixels are not the
whole story in fact in some cases having a more megapixels can actually make
image quality worse megapixels is just the resolution of the image but you also
have to look at the quality of the image itself and the quality of the image
specifically in regards to low light and noise throughout the image really comes
down to the size of the individual pixels on the sensor so you can imagine
that if you have two equally sized sensors one has a lot of megapixels and
one has fewer the one with a lot of megapixels is going to have smaller
individual pixels so it will be able to take a high-resolution image but the
center with fewer megapixels is going to have the larger individual pixels on the
center who were each pixel and a larger area for each pixel to capture light
means better image quality and it can be more sensitive without having a lot of
noise on pixel so that's why if you see a lot of small sensor cameras or phones
they typically have a lot of noise if you go anywhere above the lowest ISO and
if it doesn't then it means that there's probably a lot of noise reduction
processing going on and there are a lot of different size centers you get there
APSC then there's full frame and camera phones are very very small you can go up
to even medium format which are very expensive but they have much larger
individual pixels and those are very professional so you can imagine
even if you have a 20 megapixel cell phone camera with a tiny little sensor
and there are packed in and then a 20 megapixel DSLR with a full-frame sensor
which is much much larger the performance on the DSLR is generally
going to be much better now of course there are other things that affect the
performance besides just the sensor size such as the processor used to process
out some noise and process the image in camera so if you have a DSLR a modern
DSLR like a Digitech five-plus sensor processor that's going to be able to
process the image of higher quality and reduce the noise much better than say
something that's just slapped in new phone and that's also because you have a
lot more room in a DSLR to put all that extra technology and this is also the
same explanation for why you might see a medium format camera that cost $10,000
and it shoots about 50 megapixels and then you look at something like the
Canon 5d X which it's around 50 megapixels and say well this is the same
number megapixels and they're they're both really high-end cameras what's so
much better for the medium format that's $10,000 well it's gonna have much larger
pixels you have much less noise even at higher ISO and that's really why I like
top tier professional photographers are going to be using medium for Mac now
granted cell phone cameras have come a long way in fact you might be able to
get better performance out of a modern cell phone camera than you would a
really old first generation digital DSLR and that's just the cellphone processing
power has evolved so much over the years however in general a similar aged sensor
on a camera is never going to be able to perform up to the standard as a modern
DSLR just because of the size its inherent limitation but anyway that's
pretty much all there is in a nutshell and if you guys ever wondered about this
hopefully satisfied your curiosity if you enjoyed this video be sure to
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